Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ugh! Ants!

I have ants in my kitchen. Lots of them. Unlike when I was here before and identified at least 4 or so different varieties, so far I've only seen two types. But it's the smaller ones that are driving me nuts. They're on my counters and all around my sink. The first day or so I was just wiping them off with hot soapy water. Then, Sandi suggested making a paste out of boric acid, sugar, and a little water. The idea is that the sugar is sweet and they'll eat that, taking some of it and the boric acid back to the nest, eventually killing it. I've been doing that for about a week and I'm not seeing any real improvement. Plus, it's been hard not to just annihilate them when I see them.

So, this morning I'm trying vinegar. When Sandi and I were at La Colonia yesterday I bought a bottle of vinegar. It had a smaller bonus bottle taped to it. Cool! Free vinegar. I win! I found the spray bottle that I bought three years ago, rinsed it out and then filled it with the small bottle. Then, I washed one side of the counter, getting rid of ants and boric acid paste alike. I dried the counter, then proceeded to spray it down with vinegar. I got the splashguard, the corners, all of it. Now, I'm just letting it dry on there. Supposedly, since ants are dependent on smell for finding their way home, this will help.

Time will tell!

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