Saturday, October 24, 2009

Aloe, Mariachis, and Other Random Thoughts...

Earlier this week, Jenny and I were making some tacos. Honduran tacos are more like what we would call taquitos, although they can be quite large. Anyway, they're rolled up and deep fried, or at least, pan fried. So, I went to put one in the pan and it splattered all over my hand. Ouch! Wow! That really hurts. I put it under some running water for a bit. Then, I remembered that I have a huge aloe plant in the ground right by my clothes line. I went out and cut off some. Ah, relief in the form of yellowish-greenish goo. I left the aloe on for a few minutes and then I remembered something else: I have an ice maker in my fridge now; I have ice cubes. So, I put some ice cubes into a plastic bag and put that on my hand, as well. By morning, there was no sign that I had even burned my hand.

Last night, Jenny and I were sitting at the table, working on our computers, while dinner was finishing cooking. I thought I heard a trumpet, which Jenny confirmed. I opened up one of the windows which face out onto the road and, sure enough, a small mariachi band was across the way: accordian, guitar, big bass-type guitar, and trumpet. They were actually quite good; one of the better mariachi bands I have heard here. In fact, the trumpet player was really, really good. He reminded me of... me! It was so nice to have live music playing while we ate dinner. All was well until they played a song that included some live firecrackers. That was probably as close as I've come to pooping my pants out of fright. It happened so fast, then it was over. Thankfully, none of their other songs required firecrackers.

This afternoon I was taking my laundry off the line. As I walked back toward my door, something squished between my foot and flip flop. Eww. It was a small frog or toad. The poor little guy apparently hopped while I was walking. So, I'm standing there on one foot, looking at this apparently dead frog stuck to my flip flop, and then I started shaking my foot to get the thing off my shoe. As I shook it onto the grass, it actually started to hop away. I guess they make frogs or toads pretty sturdy here!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Susan - It's Debby Mosher here! It was wonderful to see your face this morning...I actually turned my back on Sara while I was interpreting! But your smile, as always, was catching.
    I think of you often and pray for you frequently. I like how God is filling your home with a friend sooner than with your things. Isn't He good?! I'm going to try to get into this century and learn how to SKYPE etc. I have a friend from Poland who can show me all about it.
    May we all be as resilient and that lovely little toad!
    God bless you- Debby
