Wednesday, February 6, 2013

El Libro de Susan 4:1-12

1In those days there was a woman, a stranger living in a strange land. 2And it came about that not so early one morning, the woman did clothe herself in cycling apparel and fill a water bottle. 3As was her custom, she ventured forth into the city, outside of the locked walls within which she dwelt. 4Seated on a bicycle, exercise and adventure were her desire.  

5Before long, the road upon which she traveled did turn upward.  Up, up, and still ever upward toward the looming volcano in the distance.  6As her throat became parched, the woman reached for the bottle of cooling elixir she had brought with her.  With her thirst thusly slaked, she turned around for the rapid descent into the city.

7The woman returned to the confines of the city within minutes where she immediately found herself valiantly dodging taxis and trucks – vehicles with nary a thought or concern for the lowly bicycle or its rider. 8Since she had been riding in this strange land for several years, the woman had developed the necessary skills to adeptly and intuitively avoid collision with both motorized and animal obstacles.  9On this particular morning, she encountered no cows, pigs, or chickens crossing the road, and for that, she was extremely grateful.

10However, because the woman had a tendency to breathe through her mouth, gasping for air as both heat and road rose, she found herself consuming additional protein which she unexpectedly collected along the way.11 This was a most unpleasant experience for the woman, a reminder of her early days of bicycling.

12He (or she) who has ears to hear, let him (or her) understand the words of the cyclist.               


  1. hey!!! Volcano means elevation!!! as a flatlander I am duly jealous!!! BTW, this is Jerry, "BigShotSpicyMan" is an old nickname given to me due to my penchant for Cajun cuisine....

    1. Cajun food is great, Jerry! I love spicy food!! Glad you found my little sadly neglected blog. I really want to do better, and I do love writing.

  2. Replies
    1. The idea and much of the wording came to me while riding. It was kind of cool that way it all came together.
