Monday, August 15, 2011

More Miles Away From Ordinary…

Thanks to the generosity of a friend, I’m out there. I mean, really out there. I left Lawrence yesterday afternoon, to drive out to the country for a few days of down time. A real personal retreat.

After stopping to pick up a few groceries, I drove for 2 ½ hours. It was a nice drive. I especially liked getting off the Interstate and just cruising along some state highways. I arrived here a little after 6pm and, believe it or not, I have not uttered a single word since. Really. I didn’t realize it at first, but when I did, I just decided that there was no need for words.

I went out on the porch last night to watch the sun set. It was followed, almost immediately, by one of the most dramatic moon rises I’ve ever seen. The moon was huge, full, red, and just shot into the sky from the east. I sat out there for a while just watching and listening. The cicadas were in full voice as the sun was setting . Gradually, the chorus of cicadas faded a bit and was replaced with the sound of crickets, owls and even the occasional coyote ~ there was a full moon, after all. The stars started popping out, but it was actually hard to see them because of the moon.

The moon was so bright, that I probably could have read by the light. In fact, it reminded me of the times that I picked the camping spot for a group and somehow managed to miss the nearby light post. The moon was just as bright and intense at 2am when I got up and went outside for a while.

I spent this morning praying and reading. How wonderful to just sit outside and read, uninterrupted, for several hours. Later, I went for a walk, found a pond and just sat there counting turtles. I listened to the wind rustling through the trees, heard more cicadas and crickets, and even watched birds and bees flit from plant to plant.

For me, it was an incredibly productive day!

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