Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No Caves for Us...

Jenny, Mariel, her two boys and I tried to go to las cuevas de Taulabé yesterday.  I guess it wasn't meant to be, but we had a good day, anyway.  I told Mariel that we would be at her house at 8:30am to pick them up.  They were all waiting for us because Mariel said "They are North Americans and they will be on time."  HA!  I guess I'm becoming a good Honduran.  It was closer to 9:00am by the time we got there.  I had been on the phone, and the call took a little longer than I thought it would.  Oh well.  We weren't on any type of tight schedule.  We just needed to be back in Comayagua around 2:00pm so that Mariel could teach at 3:00.

After getting some gas, we were on our way.  The construction on the highway is really making good progress.  Shortly outside of Siguatepeque we ran into our first time to sit and wait while cars went through in the opposite direction.  That didn't really bother us.  Jenny had brought a Christmas CD and by that time we were rocking out to "Feliz Navidad".  It was a lot of fun. 

When we got to the caves, there was no one there and the place was all locked up.  We kept yelling for someone, but the only person who heard us was an old man who had been across the highway selling his wares.  He came over and told us that there was no one there.  That they "were voting".  Um, hello?  The elections were on Sunday, not Monday.  Anyway, we thanked the guy and continued to talk about breaking in.  None of us were serious, but it did make for some fun.

Back in the truck, Kevin (Mariel's 10-year-old son) said that we needed a sad song.  It just so happens that the CD Jenny had brought had Barbra Streisand's version of "My Favorite Things".  It's pretty sad in its own rite, but with my crying along with it, well, it was an absolute tearjerker.

Before reaching Siguat again, we stopped and bought a big sack of oranges.  The guy said there were 90 in each sack and the cost was 80 Lps., which is about  $4.25US.  We also stopped and had lunch at Wendy's in Siguat, which was a huge hit with Saul (3-years-old) and Kevin.  After lunch, on our way back to Comayagua, we played "I spy" with Kevin, in English.  It was a great chance for him to have fun and practice his English at the same time.

So, even though we didn't actually get IN to the caves, here are two pics NEAR the caves... 

Is my sad face convincing?  Next time, we're going to bring a ladder in case we need to jump the fence.

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