Saturday, December 19, 2009

No Jayhawk Basketball Today...

I thought I might be able to watch the Jayhawks play Michigan in basketball today.  The game was on ESPN, and since we get ESPN, I was hopeful.  Alas, my hopes have been dashed.  Thankfully, I was able to follow the game on the Journal World website.  Even more thankfully, the Jayhawks beat the Wolverines!  I'm still hopeful that somehow there will be a programming glitch and I'll be able to catch one of the games.  Maybe against MU?  K-State?  A girl can dream, can't she?

Earlier today, I walked to the mercado with Sandi and Autumn.  Autumn was trying to find a pair of shoes to wear this evening to a wedding.  She found a pair in Carrion's, in the mall, but we still decided to check out the mercado to see if they had any that she liked better.  They didn't.

Since it's Saturday, the mercado is particularly packed.  This meant that we had to dodge cars and bikes, swim upstream through the sea of people, and just generally stay on our toes while walking -- lest our toes get trampled on.  But it was fun, at least for me.  I always enjoy being out in the mercado.  Sometimes I see someone (or several someones) I know; sometimes not.  Today was 'not', but that doesn't take away from my enjoyment.

After I got back home and after I realized that I wasn't going to get to watch the Jayhawks game, I made a makeshift practice mute from a kitchen towel and elastic band.  I've been practicing the cornet a bit since I'm going to play a few songs in church tomorrow.  Yes, all these years later, I still play trumpet!  Well, I'll play trumpet once mine gets here, but in the meantime, the cornet that was left behind by one of the interns does quite nicely.  The valve action is good, which is important.  Hopefully tomorrow will go well.  I'm even going to try to get some pics of me playing.


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