Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I've Got Mail...

I have to admit it: days when there is a card or letter in the PO box for me are much better than days when there aren't.  Today's journey to the post office was rewarded by a Christmas card from Doris.  It really brought a smile to my face!  Yes, I communicate electronically with lots of people, but, if we're all honest, every one of us enjoys getting something personal in the mail. That doesn't include bills, of course.

Right now, we're doing a bit of a face lift on the Center, so I've spent part of today painting.  Thankfully, I didn't get any paint on my clothes; I don't have any old jeans here that are really appropriate for painting in.  I think we've got most of the trim work done on the walls, and Charley is making good progress on rolling them out.  It's a big job.  It's a big Center.  Once the walls are done, we'll work on painting all of the metal railings and such.  They are currently blue, but will soon be black.  The walls are gray and will have purple and blue accents.  I don't think anyone here knows that the whole gray and purple thing reminds me way too much of K-State, but we put together a small committee to select colors and that's what they chose.  I'd much rather have accents of crimson and blue, of course...

On Friday, we're going to head to Tegucigalpa to get another extension of my visa since my carnet still hasn't arrived.  Sandi talked to one of the ladies about it last week and found out that I'm not missing any paperwork or anything.  It's just that no one wants to do anything official until the new president comes in.  So, it looks like I'm stuck spending another $40 for another 60-day extension, even after paying $600 toward my carnet.  Ah, ya gotta love it!  OK, you don't really have to love it, but that's the way things seem to work around here.

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