Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just a Place Holder...

The medical and carpentry team left yesterday morning. All 22 of them! And what a great team they were. They were supposed to arrive last Sunday, but a major screw up with the airline was to put them on the plane on Sunday evening instead of morning. By Sunday evening, though, Michigan was getting slammed with snow, so the airports all closed. And stayed closed on Monday, too. Finally, they were able to fly out on Tuesday morning.

So, we did what we could: rearrange the days for the medical brigades in the villages. The cool thing is that only one village had to be postponed until March. We were able to divide the team one day to allow us to serve two villages in one day. All in all, the team saw more than 1300 people in 3 days, among 4 villages. That's a lot of scabies and lice! And other things like high blood pressure, diabetes, ulcerated wounds, congestive heart failure, etc.

It wasn't just the medical team that rocked. The carpenters did an incredible job of building lots of much needed storage shelves/containers for the school and whole ministry. Then, when they finished that, they made lots of school desks for us. Yes, the Hondurans here were mighty impressed with all that they accomplished ~~ in just THREE days!

I'll be posting some photos here and on Facebook, but just wanted to take a few minutes to write and let you know that I haven't forgotten you.

Our internet has also been a bit flaky since Friday. We had several hours where we had mini shortages of electricity, only 3 or 4 seconds long, but just long enough to do damage. Ugh! If it's not one thing, it's something else. Right now, I've got a band-aid internet solution in place, but we won't be able to use that for the school tomorrow.

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