Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Chickens are Back...

I went to the super today to pick up a few things and, lo and behold, the chickens are back. Finally! Whole frozen chickens were finally available in the grocery store. I only bought one since I was on my motorcycle and had a few other things to get. But that bird is now resting in my fridge, thawing his frozen self. I took the Ronco™ Showtime Rotisserie & BBQ (another shameless plug, but what the heck) back to Sandi's house last night, so I think this chicken will end up roasted in the oven along with some carrots, potatoes, onions, pataste, etc. It might make for a nice Sunday dinner.

Oh, my theory about higher prices seems to be correct. The chickens were about 3 Lempiras per pound (15¢) more expensive than before the holidays. The prices of rice and beans have steadily crept up, too. In fact, LOTS of prices are increasing quickly. Cat food is up 20 Lps a bag. That's just over a one dollar increase.

After I got back from the super, I left my moto up front, outside the gate, telling the guard that I would be right back after I put my groceries away. He told me that the moto seat would get hot very quickly and I told him that I really would be right back. He was probably thinking that I was planning to 'be back soon' Honduran style. That could be anywhere from 30 or 40 minutes to a couple of hours. No, I was back in less than five and the seat wasn't too bad.

From there I had decided to go have some pupusas for lunch. It's been way too long since I had some. Well, actually, I took Adán out for pupusas right before I headed to the States, so I guess it hasn't really been that long. I went to the pupusa place on the boulevard, the same place I went with Adán. In fact, I sat at the same table. I wasn't being sentimental, just practical. From there I had a clear view of my motorcycle on the street. Before my lunch arrived, a man and his young son walked in and ordered. I ended up talking with them for a few minutes. The little boy, Antony, was three years old. It always feels good to get out and stretch my 'Spanish wings'.

After lunch, it was off to the ferretería (the hardware store). I was on the search for some garden pots and soil. I'm starting an herb garden. Nothing major. While in the States I bought seeds for sweet basil, Italian parsley, rosemary, oregano, and chives. Add to that some basile de Genoa, from seeds given to me by my friend, Cathy, when I was in NJ for my reunion. She told me that the seeds were four generations old, passed on in her family. Very cool. I'm going to keep both varieties of basil separate so that they don't cross pollinate.

I bought the pots and saw that the ferretería has a large bag of potting soil. I'll get back there with a car or truck before I need to transplant my herbs. I'm starting them inside, using peat pellets that I also bought while stateside.

Actually, already tonight, I've planted both varieties of basil and decided to update my blog before finishing up with the rest of the seeds.

Well, I guess now that my blog is updated and you know that whole chickens are once again available in the store, I should probably get back to planting.

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