Sunday, September 20, 2009

No Power Today...

Well, I just found out that we're going to lose power today. All day. Yup, the power will be out from 8am-4pm, and what am I doing? Quickly updating my blog, of course.

Yesterday, Currie and Sandi went to the airport to pick up two people who are spending a week here. The normally 2 1/2 hour trip, one way, to the airport took them FIVE AND A HALF HOURS!!! The return trip was just as bad, maybe worse. They were gone yesterday for over 12 hours, just to pick someone up. The main problem is all the construction going on out on the highway. There is one area where 2/3 of the road has been blasted away and you can tell that they are going to put those huge concrete water-containment-thingies under the road. Well, it seems that an oil tanker fell into the huge hole created, and that brought everything crashing down. Literally.

OK, I've only got about 20 more minutes of power today, so I'd best make sure that I get a few things done around here to prepare. And I was so looking forward to telling you about gecko poop. I guess that will have to wait for another day. How's that for a teaser?

1 comment:

  1. Oh the adventures! It's like reading a bed time story only I'm reading on work break! Oh do tell about the gecko poop! 'till next break...
