Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Biker Chicks, Unite...

Although there aren't a lot of us, there are women here who ride motorcycles or scooters.  In the last week, though, I've seen more ladies riding than ever before.  Last Friday when I went to the motorcycle store to buy my baúl, I saw three different ladies just on my way TO the store.  And one of them was on a big, and I do mean BIG, quadrunner.  One of the other ladies was on a 200cc dirt bike.  200cc's is actually a large bike for Honduras.  Most motorcycles are 125 or 150cc's.  And you can still find lots of 100s.  More 200s are starting to hit the stores and streets, but they're pricey motorcycles.

I was just amazed to see three ladies within about a 3km ride.  ¡Qué raro!  How strange. But in a good way.

As far as I know, I'm the only moto-riding gringa around here, though. That seems to have some advantages.  In the two years since I've owned my motorcycle, I've only been pulled over once in a routine traffic stop -- one of the stops where they are checking paperwork and licenses.  It was a day when they were pulling over everyone, so I was okay with that.  There have been other times when the police are stopping all motorcycles, but they always just wave me through, and that's fine by me.

Today while I was out I saw several ladies on motos or scooters.  It always catches my attention.  And makes me smile!  I don't know, maybe we should form a club or something.

OH!  Here's an update to the "No Coca Cola" scandal ~~  Yesterday when I was at the store, I asked (again) why they had no Coke products.  The girl at the checkout didn't know, but immediately asked someone near her.  The second girl informed me that the Coca Cola warehouse had raised the prices and many of the stores were fighting the price hike by not accepting shipments.  (So the story I was told the day before, that the Coke would be here mañana was bogus.) 

Then, back here at Enlaces, later yesterday afternoon, Charly told me that he finally got Coca Cola on the phone and they will be making their delivery to us on Wednesday, which is now mañana. Ha!  I asked him if that included my Coca Light and he told me, "Yes.  Two cases."  When I asked him what the new price will be, he told me that our prices are the same.  Thank God for the simple things in life.  Like Coca Light.

Now to see if it really gets here mañana.

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