Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday, Again...

Wow!  Has it really been a whole week since I've written?  I've GOT to do a better job at updating this or no one will read it... not that I know how many are actually reading it now.  But, I like to write, so I'll continue.

Friday was graduation for the school.  It was incredible!  We had it at the Campo de Golf (golf course), so they took care of most of the decorations and such.  I'm sure that was a huge help to so many of the teachers!  Graduation was for prepa (kindergarten) and 6th grade.  For graduation, everyone dresses to the nines.  I mean, really, really dresses up.  Seeing formal gowns on both parents and students is not at all unusual -- for the females, at least.  Many of the men are in suits and ties.  It's really a big deal here.

Here's one proud family...

See what I mean?  All dressed up!!

The prepa children sang "I Am a Promise" in English, and here they are while they're getting ready to sing...

After the ceremony, we had a wonderful dinner.  It was fantastic to see all the proud parents, and all the smiles!

I left the Campo a little before 9pm and all was going well until I got stopped by the police on the boulevard.  I was only about 1/2 mile from home.  Road blocks and routine checks are, well, pretty routine here.  Although, with the election being a week away, it seems that there are a lot more of them set up lately.  I asked Hermes about that, and he confirmed that there are defnitely more right now.  I think the government is really stepping up to make sure that things stay on the up and up for the election. 

Anyway, I got pulled over... So, the guy who stepped up to my window wasn't a policeman, but Honduran military.  "Documentos, por favor," he said.  I reached into my purse, got out my wallet and gave the guy my Kansas driver's license.  I've learned that during these stops it's important to not show how much Spanish you know, so I struggled through saying, "This is my driver's license."  Then I apologized, slowly, and with some purposeful mistakes, that I don't speak Spanish very well.  Yeah, I know... Weak.  But, it's seemed to alleviate problems in the past, and I so no reason to discontinue the practice now.

Then the guy asked for my registro, and I looked in the glove box, but only found some cables for phones or something.  I told the guy that I live at "Enlaces, enfrente de Pizza Hut."  But he said he needed my documents.  I told him that the car wasn't mine, but belonged to the ministry.  About that time, Hector & Sandra went by me, slowed down when they saw me talking to the military guy, and pulled a bit further in front of me.  It was then that they got pulled over for a check as well.  As Hector & Sandra passed, I said, "I work with them  at Enlaces."

Well, I guess the guy realized that I'm not much of a threat to national security, because he gave me my license back, to which I replied, "¿Todo está bien? (Is everything okay?)"  "Sí.  Todo está bien.  (Yes.  Everything's fine.)"  Sometimes it's a good thing to not let on how much of the language you know or understand!!

As I passed Hector & Sandra, I gave them a 'thumbs up' and then I pulled a little bit ahead of them, to wait and make sure they were fine.

While driving the last little way home, it dawned on me how natural the whole transaction seemed.  No, I don't necessarily like being pulled over, but it's just something that happens here.  A lot.  Heck, I've even learned how to bribe police, I mean, "pay the ticket today, to you, so that I don't have to come back later."

Thank you, Lord, for your continued, ongoing protection!!

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