Monday, October 12, 2009

Buying Contraband...

Currie, Sandi and Samuel are heading back to the States next week, so I took the opportunity today to buy something my brother wants. Sandi said she'd bring the gift to the States for my brother. There's a great souvenir shop close to the cathedral and the lady in there seems to give me good prices since I buy a lot of stuff in there and because I've brought others in to do the same. Today was no different.

I went out for my now normal bike ride, but got out there a bit later than usual. That one hour made a huge difference. Although it was only 8:30a when I started, the sun was up higher and it was much hotter than it's been. So, I sweated through three laps and then came back to the house. After relaxing, drinking water and taking a shower, I decided to head down toward the cathedral. Originally I had planned to ride my bike there, but thought I might enjoy walking instead. So, I walked.

I made it down to the cathedral and around the corner in no time. I knew exactly where "they" were. Actually, "they" are right on the counter, in view of everyone. I picked up a few different boxes, looking for just the country of origin I was seeking. I found a box of ten from that country with which the US has no trade relations. A military base and a prison, yes, but trade relations, no. In addition to the box of 10, I also bought a box of 25 Honduran-made ones. They're also good quality, but I suspect that for my brother and his friends there's just something special about lighting one up if it's also illegal. Yeah, I think you all know what I'm talking about. I bought my brother a gift from the country that gave us the Cuba Libre.

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