Thursday, October 29, 2009

Long Day...

Whew! It's been a long day and I still have to work on my lesson plan for tomorrow. This morning I went over to Sandi & Currie's house to make a few calls. While I was there, one of the ladies from the school came over and told me that Sandi needed me to call her in the States. So, I called Sandi and found out that Hector's son, Isaac, had broken his collar bone the night before and was headed for surgery. It turns out that it is Isaac's elbow that's broken, not his collar bone.

Well, I went over to the school and talked to Erica for a few minutes. She said that she would go over to the hospital with me. I drove. After today, I'm convinced that I can dive with the best of the Hondurans! I'm a quick study. We got to the hospital and found Hector & Sandra. Hermes was there, too. We all talked for a while. Then, Erica and I left to go run a few errands.

Our final stop was at Hector & Sandra's house, to pick up Danny and Leandra, their other two kids, and to bring them back to Enlaces. I told Sandra that I'd get them lunch and take care of them. Danny had PACEs to work on and I think he did pretty well on them. Lunch went well. But, it was difficult to keep Danny on task on his work and to also work with Jonathan, another boy I'm currently tutoring.

When it came time for dinner, both Danny and Leandra said that they wanted the same thing they had for lunch. That was pretty cool, since it was leftovers from last night's dinner: carne asada, arroz, frijoles and tortillas. But, I had already decided that I would take them across the street to Pizza Hut for a special treat. When we started walking up front, I saw Adan. Adan is a 2nd grader and is in Danny's class. I'm not sure why Adan was here. He's supposed to be at fĂștbol on Thursdays after school. We had Adan join us, anyway. After dinner, we put Adan in a taxi and sent him home.

Then it was back home. Jenny needed to make a cake for Josue's birthday tomorrow. She got that started. I turned on the TV for the kids. Yeah, I know... bad Susan! But I also told them that at 7pm Jenny and I were going to watch a TV show and they'd have to be very quiet. Hey, come on, it's Thursday. Grey's Anatomy!!!

Hector got here somewhere in the middle of Grey's, so I had to bring the kids to him and find out how Isaac's surgery went. It went well. And, now, it looks like I'll turn around and get to do all of this again tomorrow. Plus a few more things.

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