Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cape Town, Here We Come...

¡Viva Honduras! We're going to Cape Town, South Africa for World Cup Soccer! We, being Honduras, that is. And, we got a little help from the US. Honduras played El Salvador tonight, and won, 1-0. But, we also needed the United States to win against Costa Rica to secure our entrance to Cape Town. Well, the US tied Costa Rica, which was enough for Honduras to make it on points! So, come next year, Honduras will be represented in World Cup Soccer.

After the game, things got really crazy around here. Fireworks going off, horns blaring, people screaming, etc. Currie, Sandi, and I decided to get in on the celebration so we went up to the front gate and went outside. There were tons of people over at the Esso. In trucks, cars, on foot, you name it. Cars and trucks full of people were driving by, waving Honduran flags, shouting, celebrating. What a blast! We yelled and hooped and hollered, all decked out in our Honduras jerseys. Of course, it reminded me of times when the Jayhawks have won the NCAA championship. Finally, we went back inside. A few minutes later, Sandi got a phone call and she quickly ran to the TV. We heard the last few moments of Roberto Micheletti, the Honduran president, thanking God for the victory, and declaring tomorrow as a federal holiday.

Then, the phone really began ringing. Off. the. hook. Everyone wanted to know if the school would be closed since we're a private school. Sandi said something like, "Who are we to argue with what the president has just declared?" So, it looks like we don't have school tomorrow. Woot!

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