Monday, October 5, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot... Christmas.

At least it is here at the Center. Over the weekend, we decorated the Center for Christmas. Sandi decided that NOW is the perfect time to get the place decorated and get people's minds off of the stuff going on with the government.

The first step was to find all of the Christmas decorations. Some stuff was packed in with the wedding ministry things, other stuff was in the bodega (warehouse). Then to the task of untangling lights. That, in itself, was quite a feat.

There are now at least 8 different Christmas trees, of various sizes, lit and decorated, all around the Center. Stockings and garland line the railing across the top level. We even changed the lighting of the Center last night to highlight the trees and garland. It looks great. Plus, it really gives us an opportunity to talk with the kids about the REAL meaning of Christmas.

Most families here do not have Christmas trees for their homes. It's not that they don't want one, it's more that they can't afford one. So, we're going to be giving away most of the trees in the Center before Christmas -- lights, decorations and all. As word of the tree giveaway gets out, our attendance at the Center will continue to increase between now and December. And as word of that spreads, we'll be spreading the Word of God each hour that the Center is open.

Gecko poop update: I still haven't seen any more gecko poop on the counter. I have geckos on the walls, but none of them seem to be venturing on to the counter at night. This morning, when I walked into the kitchen, with my eyes still somewhat shut, I saw something I thought might be gecko poop. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a small spider. He's dead now...

Well, I'm off for another bike ride this morning. I think I'll go for three laps on the boulevard.

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